# {!! trans( 'Welcome to :appName, :userName!', [ 'appName' => config('app.name'), 'userName' => $user, ] ) !!} {!! trans( 'Our team has created a new account for you on [:appName](:appUrl)', [ 'appName' => config('app.name'), 'appUrl' => config('app.url') ]) !!} {{ trans('Please click the button below to verify your email address.') }} @lang('Verify Email Address') {!! trans("Once your email is verified, you'll be able to login with this **temporary** password.") !!} > **{!! trans('Temporary password') !!}**: `{!! $temporaryPassword !!}` @lang( "Once you logged in, you'll be able to change your password from [your profile page](:profilePageUrl).", [ 'profilePageUrl' => route('filament.pages.profile'), ] ) @lang('Profile page') @lang("Regards"),
{{ config('app.name') }} {{-- Subcopy --}} @lang( "If you're having trouble clicking the \":actionText\" button, copy and paste the URL below\n". 'into your web browser:', [ 'actionText' => trans('Verify Email Address'), ] ) [{{ $verificationURL }}]({{ $verificationURL }})